Data protection for participants

Declaration about data protection and the absolute confidentiality of your responses

Interrogare GmbH, a member of ESOMAR, BVM and DGOF, complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all other data protection regulations. Interrogare is the data controller as specified in the GDPR and other data protection laws of the member states and other data protection legal regulations.

The results of this survey will only be shown in an anonymised form. This means nobody will be able to see from the results which person has made the statements. This also applies to repeat or follow-up surveys when it is necessary to interview the same person again after a certain period of time and as a result, the statistical analysis necessitates linking the responses from several surveys with a code number. The same applies here – no data will be passed on that could identify you as a person. The results will only be shown in an anonymised form – the same as in individual interviews.

If you are not 18 years old – please show this page to your parents and ask them for their permission.

What happens with your data?

We would like to illustrate the journey of your data from the survey to the completely anonymous results table with an example:

1. You enter your responses to our questions on a paper questionnaire or you enter them yourself in an online questionnaire. Here is an example:

Which means of transportation do you mainly use to get to your place of work?

  • Railway
  • Commuter train/Subway
  • Bus

2. Interrogare GmbH separates the address and the questionnaire section. To ensure that only correct data are processed, any discrepancies in the responses are clarified beforehand. The address and the questionnaire section get a code number. People who see the paper questionnaire will therefore not know who the person is who responded. The address remains at Interrogare but only until the end of the whole survey. It is only used for random quality checks and it may also be used to recontact you later for another interview.

3. Your responses to the questions will be converted into numbers and digitally saved without your name or address (i.e. anonymous). If you participate in a laptop or online interview where the questions are shown on a screen, this is already done during the interview.

4. Then, the interview data (without name or address) are analysed by a computer. The computer counts for example all responses for each mode of transport and calculates the percentage results.

5. The total result and the results for the subgroups (e.g. manual workers, office workers) are shown in a table: What mode of transport?

Total Manual workers Office workers
National railway 10 % 15 % 7 %
City train/underground 5 % 7 % 3 %
Bus 25 % 20 % 30 %

6. If a repeat or follow-up survey is carried out, your name and address are also kept separate from the data of the questionnaire section at any time. During the analysis, the data sets are linked with a code number (never with names!) and then the results are shown in the same anonymised way as in a one-off interview.

The following applies in any case:

  • Taking part in this survey is voluntary. If you do not take part, there will be no negative consequences for you.
  • Interrogare GmbH will of course comply with all data protection regulations.

You can be sure that

  • Nobody will find out what your responses were.
  • Your name or your address will not be passed on to third parties.
  • No individual data which could identify you personally will be passed on to third parties.

If we collect your personal data:

For the implementation of the survey, Interrogare GmbH will use its own survey software and the survey will be hosted on its own servers. The IP address (by definition part of personal data) which is necessary for the technical communication, will be deleted after 3 months following your participation in the respective study. The other data which are collected in the context of the survey, will not be deleted and may be used for anonymous analyses in the future. If you have any questions about data protection, please contact Interrogare GmbH or its external data protection officer (the solicitor Andrea Schweizer, Kanzlei Prof. Schweizer Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Schneckenburgerstraße 22, 81675 München, #49 (0) 89/9280850, For other data protection information about Interrogare GmbH, please visit:

In the context of market research studies you may be able to register for competitions or to participate in other surveys. If you do, we will collect additional personal data from you.

Market research codes of conduct require us to save your personal data separately from your other responses in the questionnaire. In this context too, you can rely on our promise that nobody will be able to find out what your responses in the questionnaire were.

In the following, we describe what we do with your personal data:

Description and scope of data processing

In some questionnaires, there is the option to take part in a competition or to register to take part in other surveys. The data entered in the registration form will be transferred to us.

Depending on the market research study, the following data may be collected:

  • Email address
  • If applicable, your title (optional)
  • If applicable, your first name (optional)
  • If applicable, your surname (optional)
  • If applicable, your year of birth

During registration, the following data are collected:

  • IP address of the processor used for access
  • Date and time of registration

At registration, we save the IP address assigned by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the computer system you use at the time of registration, as well as the date and the time of registration. It is necessary to collect these data in order to be able to identify (possible) misuse of this email address at a later date and therefore required for our legal protection.

When you register, we will seek your permission to process the data and we will refer to this data protection declaration.

Personal data will not be passed on to any third parties. The data will solely be used for the participation in the competition and for the notification of winners (if there is a price draw) or for invitations to further market research studies (if you have registered to participate in other market research studies).

Lawfulness of data processing

The lawfulness of the processing the data after the user has registered for the price draw/to participate in further market research studies and giving his or her consent is specified in the GDPR Art. 6 (1) lit. a.

Purpose of data collection

The email address of the user is collected for the purpose of notifying the participants in the draw if they have won or to invite those who have registered an interest to further market research studies. The year of birth may be used to prove your age in case registration is only allowed from a certain age. The optional data are used to personalize the messages you receive.

The collection of other personal data during the registration process is required to prevent misuse of the services or the email used.

How are the data saved?

The data will be deleted as soon as the purpose of collecting the data is obsolete. The email address of the user is therefore saved as long as it is needed to participate in the competition or for the participation in further market research studies.

Option to revoke and remove

The participation in the draw or the willingness to participate in other market research studies can be revoked free of charge at any time. The revocation procedure is individually described in the participation agreement of the specific market research study.

It is also possible to revoke your permission to save personal data collected during the registration process with future effect.

If your personal data are processed in the context of this survey, you are a data subject as defined in the EU GDPR and you have the following rights in relation to Interrogare GmbH:

  • Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR),
  • Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR),
  • Right to erasure, ‘right to be forgotten’ (Art. 17 GDPR),
  • Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR),
  • Right to notification (Art.19 GDPR),
  • Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR),
  • Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR)
  • Automated individual decision-making including profiling (Art. 22 GDPR)
  • You also have the right to complain to a data protection regulator about the processing of your personal data by us.

The individuals responsible for the compliance with data protection regulations at Interrogare GmbH are the managing directors Peter Wiegelmann, Martin Kühn, and Sören Scholz.

Any questions about data protection will be answered by the Data Protection Officer Andrea Schweizer via the email address

We thank you for your participation and your confidence in our work!