Our expertise:

Trump ace – satisfied, loyal customers

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are classic market research issues. However, processes used conventionally are not the key to actual knowledge acquisition. The challenge starts with understanding these complex psychological constructs. Related questions can be correspondingly diverse:
How satisfied are your customers? Which factors determine or influence satisfaction? How do they interact with each other?
What phases does a customer journey have, and what effects do brand touchpoints have? What are the key drivers and influencing factors of a purchase decision? How can you improve your customers’ perception of the customer relationship? How do you obtain true loyalty?

We work with a holistic model to provide answers to these essential questions about customer satisfaction and loyalty.

We consider that a number of influencing factors, their interaction, relevance, probability of occurrence, and impact mode must be mapped to understand your customers, their behaviour and needs – and not all aspects can be ascertained by direct inquiry.

Combined with a comprehensive understanding of the purchasing process, including underlying psychological phenomena and our ability to capture all relevant aspects, we derive the appropriate action measures for your situation from the results.

Please read about our in-house developed process CONSAI (CONsumer Satisfaction Insights) and other methods and tools we use further below on this page.

What is the status quo of customer satisfaction and loyalty?

Which components influence or determine satisfaction and loyalty?

How can the perception of the customer relationship be improved?

How can customer loyalty be increased?

Is there a potential threat to customer relationships from competitors?

Knowledge pool

Get in touch!

Lassen Sie uns gern direkt in Kontakt treten: rufen Sie mich gern an oder schreiben Sie mir per Mail. Ich bin gerne für Sie da!

Jens Krause Head of Marketing Research jens.krause@interrogare.de +49 521 / 557 810-149

Processes and methods

Brand Switching Model (BSM)

Wechselpotenziale erkennen, Markentreue prüfen: Six steps to identification – a selection of relevant providers, the recording of the relevant perception dimensions, the determination of the degree of fulfillment of the selected providers, their influence on the switching potential, the selection of the ultimately preferred provider and the creation of the relevant set.

This is an Interrogare in-house development

CONSAI (CONsumer Satisfaction Insights)

Analyzing customer satisfaction: A method that integrates numerous influencing factors, their interaction, relevance, probability of occurrence as well as effects of explicit and implicit perception, thus providing a complete overview of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Consumer MindMap

Recording associations: Subjective brand perceptions are recorded by means of interactive web applications as mind maps – thus direct and indirect associations as well as the strength of associations and connections. An aggregation algorithm enables the summary of all mind maps.

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Continuous Feedback Systems

Monitoring developments: Tool for the continuous measurement of customer satisfaction – from questionnaire design to technical implementation, analysis of the data and preparation of the results up to the derivation of recommendations for action.

Customer Journey / Touchpoint Analytics

Analyzing purchasing processes: All relevant information, advice and purchase impulse points are recorded as central key figures of a respective market environment, all decisive search, orientation and decision criteria and their share in the final purchase or use decision are mapped hierarchically.

Driver Analysis/Penalty Reward Analysis (PRA)

Analyzing influences: Impact drivers and influencing factors on overall evaluations are determined, and effective levers and options for the derivation and evaluation of measures are identified.

Multi-Purpose Segmentation

Differentiating groups: Individual perspectives (purposes) are first analyzed separately, clustered and then aggregated in the meta-clustering process. Generally meaningful and behaviorally-relevant patterns are thus revealed, and segments are much more differentiating and manageable.

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Qualitative Research

Personal research: Collection and evaluation of non-standardized data on the basis of open individual or group interviews, observations, documentation and diaries by experienced and trained qualitative experts.