Our expertise:

Special requirements,
special expertise

Almost everyone has someone in their family or circle of acquaintances who has already been diagnosed: cancer. Although the number of diseases is increasing, research is enabling those affected to have an ever higher quality of life and also a chance of survival, as many new drugs improve patient care. In order to design these as optimal as possible, it is important to understand the acceptance, driving forces and barriers and the regulatory behavior and to optimize the communication measures accordingly. We have a lot of experience at your disposal for all these questions.

What actually constitutes our pharmaceutical market research? Clear answer: our individual, precisely tailored studies for our customers, with special attention to practical relevance and action orientation right from the start.

This is made possible by the commitment, the passion and, of course, the experience of the entire team – and primarily that of Udo Jellesen and Claudia Uffmann who, as department heads, have been successfully supporting international pharmaceutical companies in market research for over 30 and over 20 years respectively. In addition, oncology can be considered a core indication with the greatest expertise of the healthcare team, as currently about 50% of all studies are conducted in this indication.

We know the special features of the pharmaceutical industry, the legal requirements and the associated challenges for market research. Combined with our comprehensive methodological expertise and the use of in-house developed, innovative processes, we offer you real added value. As a reliable partner, we are happy to accompany you in the realization of national and international projects in the areas of Rx, OTx and OTC.

Please read the more comprehensive information about target groups and study processes below.

Your target groups
and HCP Panel

Only those who reach your target groups can collect the insights that are relevant for you. Therefore, we offer you the realisation of your projects in all required target groups. In doing so, we also draw on our Interrogare HCP panel. But you can also generally rely on our many years of experience when it comes to surveying all target groups. Learn more about all target groups and our HCP panel here.

Knowledge Pool

Get in touch!

Lassen Sie uns gern direkt in Kontakt treten: rufen Sie uns gern an oder schreiben Sie uns per Mail. Wir sind gerne für Sie da!

Claudia Uffmann Director | Healthcare Research claudia.uffmann@interrogare.de +49 521 / 557 810-173
Udo Jellesen Head of Healthcare Research udo.jellesen@interrogare.de +49 521 / 557 810-169

Processes and methods


Awareness, Trial, and Usage as well as Usage&Attitude studies focus on the use of products as well as basic needs in this regard.

Day/Week after Visit

Recording the effect of the communication one day or one week after a visit of a sales representative.

Emotional Branding Monitor (EBM)

Recording emotions: Implicit measurement method which determines the emotional activation of a brand or product in terms of type and strength by recording the reaction times and thus enables an exact positioning of the emotional perception.

This is an Interrogare in-house development

Dive in

HCP Panel

Proprietary, hand-picked medical specialist panel characterized by personal care, communication on an equal footing as well as proven quality and very high response rates compared to other HCP panels.

Dive in

HCP Speed Panel

Quick responses to pressing questions within a week, overview of the results in real time via real-time dashboard.

Launch Tracker

Measure acceptance among target physicians in order to be able to derive potential optimization possibilities.

Message Impact Monitoring

Analysis of the assertiveness, credibility and practical relevance of your communication in order to control your measures and content in a targeted manner.

Message Recall

The remembrance of communication content via different channels is determined.

Patient Share Monitoring

Recording the development of prescribing behavior, which changes are taking place and for what reasons.

Share of Voice

Measurement of the presence of a preparation based on the analysis of the proportion of prescriptions, communication content, etc.

Touchpoint Tracker

Continuous, proactive documentation of physicians of their contacts with the pharmaceutical industry.

Dive in

Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)

This is a classic computer-assisted survey which is conducted by telephone.

Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)

Surveys to which subjects are invited by e-mail or similar and can be completed purely online – regardless of the end device.

Group Discussion/Focus Groups

Qualitative survey method that can be conducted both on site and online.

HCP Omnibus

Omnibus survey for healthcare professionals in Germany, runs every month depending on capacity.

In-Depth Interviews (IDIs)

Qualitative, personal conversation that can be conducted on site, by phone or online.

Paper & Pencil Surveys

Classic survey tool via which subjects write their responses by hand.

Personal Interviews (F2F)

Personal interview, which can be both IDI and quantitative or a paper&pencil survey.

Web-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (WATI)

Survey method in which content is shared online during a telephone survey.